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Slasher 2016

TV Slashers: The New Trend That Shouldn’t Work (But Really Does)

The slasher formula was designed for the time restraints of a motion picture–and not for a particularly long one, either. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Black Christmas and most of their ilk all ba...

Frightfest 2016 Review: We Are The Flesh

Hype is a strange beast. Nowadays, in our relentless, 24/7 news cycle, it can make or break a film. This is particularly pertinent when it comes to horror, as every movie wants to be the next ‘s...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix: September 9th, 2016

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

Frightfest 2016 Review: Beyond The Gates

Fans of Jumanji (and defenders of it as a still-scary kids’ horror movie) rejoice, we finally have our very own, grown-up version in Beyond The Gates. The debut feature from Jackson Stewart, who...

Blood Feast

Frightfest 2016 Review: Blood Feast

Remakes are a hard enough sell in their own right, but a reboot only a select few would actually be interested in? One that does nothing to update the story for modern audiences, or to enamour it to t...

Frightfest 2016 Review: My Father, Die

Following in the footsteps of a famous, successful parent has got to be intimidating – just ask professional Twitter crybaby Max Landis. In the case of Sean Brosnan, son of Pierce, it seems the ...

Frightfest 2016 Review: Let Her Out

One would struggle to find a baptism by fire-like introduction to the world of feature films, and to horror that is hotter than Alanna LeVierge’s debut performance in body horror shocker Let Her...

creepshow 2 1987

Script to Pieces: Romero’s Creepshow 3

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

The Devil's Candy

The Devil’s Candy [Frightfest 2016 Review]

Films as special as The Devil’s Candy don’t come around that often. Hell, we’re lucky if we get one a decade, let alone one a year. It’s difficult to draw comparisons betw...