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Rob Zombie's 31

Frightfest 2016 Review: Rob Zombie’s 31

Rob Zombie’s 31 opens with a lengthy, to-camera monologue shot in surprisingly (for this particular filmmaker) arty monochrome. A paint-and-blood splattered miscreant addresses the audience...

Groups dressed as clowns in south carolina are reportedly trying to lure kids into the woods.

Creepy Clowns Reported Trying to Lure Kids into Woods!

Residents in South Carolina are fearing for their kids’  safety after reports of creepy clowns trying to entice children into the woods. The unusual reports started in the last week or...

Jamie Lee Curtis in Halloween

Where Are All the Modern Scream Queens?

The 1980s gave us so many horror icons. We got Jason, Freddy, Pinhead, and Chucky. Michael Myers got sequelized and proved he could play with the big boys, as did Leatherface. All of these characters ...

The Argument Over True Sentient Intelligence

Movies like Maximum Overdrive, Terminator, and I, Robot focus heavily on the concept of humans beings versus sentient intelligence. Sentient intelligence is different than artificial intelligence, a t...

Not Quite Horror: Requiem For A Dream (2000)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still loaded with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is closer...

Phantasm Ii

Why Phantasm II Was a Bigger, Better Action Epic That Nobody Saw Coming

Phantasm was a movie that came out of nowhere in 1979 and really took people by surprise. Nobody really knew what to do with it. It was full of the kind of surrealism that only Italian filmmakers were...

Jaws 3, People 0

Script to Pieces: Jaws 3, People 0

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Frightfest 2016 Spotlight: Under The Shadow

With just a few days to go until Frightfest takes over the Vue in Shepherds Bush, Joey Keogh takes a look at some of the most anticipated movies on this year’s jam-packed sc...

Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare

Fear and Loathing: The Weird Evolution of Horror Icons in the 90s

The 1990s were an interesting time for horror. For a while, there was a need to make everything new. To make things fresh and different. This need eventually went away, but not before leaving a lastin...