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Worshiping Monsters: America’s Obsession with Serial Killers

In American pop culture, there are certain names of famous–or, sometimes more accurately, infamous–people who are household names across the nation. People like Rihanna, Jon Stewart, and L...

A Brief History of Haunted Attractions

Every year, countless people in America, and around the world, line up at haunted attractions. Whether it is a hayride, scavenger hunt, maze, or haunted house, these attractions rake in millions ...

Not Quite Horror: Reservoir Dogs (1992)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still loaded with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is closer...

Evil Disney princesses by Travis Falligant.

Disney Princesses Transformed Into Horror Icons!

Recently we saw Disney get a Tim Burton make-over, and since then I have stumbled upon another great series of illustrations by Virginia based freelance artist Travis Falligant. Falligant teamed ...

Unboxing Horror Block

Horror Block Unboxing – January 2016

Nerd Block is a subscription mystery box that delivers geeky collectibles right to your door each month. You can choose whatever theme box you are into–there’s the Classic Block, Ar...

Die Hard

Why Action Films are a Close Cousin to Horror Films

When thinking about the other types of films that horror fans would be attracted to, it’s probably safe to say that action movies are one of them. I’ve been watching a lot of action f...

Andrew Tarusov takes on Disney with a Tim Burton theme.

Disney Gets A Tim Burton Makeover!

As an avid illustrations fan, I love stumbling upon talented fingers, especially when there’s a horror theme thrown in! LA-based illustrator Andrew Tarusov has made dreams come true with a...

Natasha Henstridge Home Invasion

Exclusive Interview: We Talk Home Invasion With Natasha Henstridge

Wicked Horror had the occasion to speak with the lovely Natasha Henstridge about her thrilling new film Home Invasion. We touched on what sets the film apart from the countless other ho...

Kathleen Zellner and Steven Avery

Making a Murderer: Who is Kathleen Zellner?

At the end of the 10-part Netflix docu-series Making a Murderer, convicted murderer Steven Avery was penniless and fighting his legal battle on his own. After exhausting all of his assets during ...