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Event Recap: Spooky Empire

This past weekend’s Spooky Empire convention was an improvement over the last and one of the most fun experiences I’ve had at a con in a long time. For a few years, Spooky Empire has bee...

Not Quite Horror: Snowtown (2011)

Horror is evolving as a genre. Although your local multiplex is still peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offering is clos...

New on Netflix

New on Netflix – October 30th, 2015

New on Netflix is a weekly feature here at Wicked Horror where we take a look at the latest additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service. It can be tough sifting through all those horror ...

George Mihalka 24 Hour Rental

My Bloody Valentine Director George Mihalka Talks 24 Hour Rental [Exclusive]

George Mihalka is a director who has been working in film and television for over thirty years. He is best known to horror fans for directing the 1981 cult hit My Bloody Valentine, but his career span...

Bride of Chucky

Why Bride of Chucky is Just Natural Born Killers Done Better

Make no mistake, I have no problem with Natural Born Killers. It’s one of Oliver Stone’s best movies, has a great cast and some great performances. But as a fan of all things killer toy ...

Event Review – The Beast and The Edge of Hell Haunted Houses

Nestled in the West Bottoms area of downtown Kansas City, Missouri are four haunted attractions that are perfect destinations for Halloween enthusiasts and thrill-seekers alik...

reboot - Jason - Memorable Friday the 13th side characters

When Will We See the Next Horror Franchise Reboot?

The horror world has been abuzz with news of horror reboots for each of the major franchises. Articles across the web touted that 2016 would see the major return of the slasher genre. We had a new Tex...

Martyrs - Kevin Goetz - Bailey Noble

Exclusive Interview: Kevin Goetz on the Martyrs Remake

Wicked Horror was invited to the Screamfest LA screening of Martyrs, the Kevin and Michael Goetz remake of Pascal Laugier’s groundbreaking 2008 endurance test of the same name. During the ...


How the Phantasm Series Has Evolved Over Time

Phantasm is widely considered to be a horror classic. Even people who haven’t necessarily seen it are aware of the name. Released in 1979, it was one of the first features from director Don Cos...