When I saw the first Sleepaway Camp, which was a blind buy in college after hearing its reputation, I didn’t really have the option of seeing the sequels. They were out of print, but I did...
Found footage movies keep on coming. They seem to be finally dying down, perhaps, but it’s a small dent in the boom that has persisted over the past several years. Everyone blames Paranorm...
Much of actress and model Ciara Hanna’s fanbase comes from the days she spent as the Yellow Megaforce Ranger Gia Moran from Power Rangers Megaforce and from her stint as Summer on ...
Horror auteur Eli Roth completed the film The Green Inferno in 2013, inspired by the gruesome cannibalism flicks of the ’70s and ’80s, such as Cannibal Holocaust and Cannibal Ferox. T...
Wicked Horror managing editor Tyler Doupe’ spoke with True Blood alum Sam Trammell about his new film, the dark psychological thriller, The Aftermath and also got his input o...
The latest in an increasingly declining surge of remakes is upon us in the form of Poltergeist. But how well does it compare to its predecessor? It’s an interesting thing to think about every t...
It was one of the biggest, most influential horror movies of all time. It was the first blockbuster. But more than that, it will always be remembered for being the film that made people stop going in ...
One of the many things that helps make the horror genre relevant to audiences is its ability to form links and hybrids to other genres. This only makes sense because the way to effectiv...
A good horror movie is made up of good direction, acting, writing, and cinematography. A great horror movie utilizes these techniques in almost every single scene to effectively tell the sto...