Over the past fifteen years or so, certain, key trends have emerged in horror. In particular, found footage, paranormal themed fare, torture cinema and remakes have made a significant mark on the mult...
Remakes were the trend of the 2000s. Found footage didn’t hit the mainstream until later. Asian ghost stories fizzled out around 2005, but from 2003 to 2009 remakes were coming out in increasin...
Carnival themed horror seems to be on the rise, recently. The latest season of American Horror Story was divisive with fans—as is every season, really—but proved to be a major hit r...
Werewolf movies don’t get a lot of love. But they’re one of the classic monsters, that’s for sure. It’s not like the werewolf doesn’t exist in the public conscio...
Space is a confusing location for a horror feature. It’s somewhere that every franchise winds up eventually, and yet it’s somewhere that nobody really wants to go. So why does it keep ha...
Slasher movies are not hard to come by. They’re a dime a dozen. Even films about fictional serial killers, like the beloved Hannibal Lecter series, have done incredibly well and have proven to ...
The season of Bates Motel is coming closer and closer to an end, but it’s not winding down. If anything, the action is ramping up as we head toward the finale. Things are finally paying of...
John Carpenter’s The Thing is often heralded as his masterpiece. It really is one of his best, in addition to being one of the best sci-fi horrors, one of the best body horrors, and just one of...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest genre film related additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time ...