Netflix Horror Spotlight brings you Wicked Horror’s top picks for what to watch on Netflix, whether it’s the latest indie darling, a classic masterpiece or a silly slasher that deserves ...
Stephen King is an undisputed master of horror and has been for decades. It is one of his most celebrated works, and with good reason. The book is a masterpiece of cosmic horror and it spawned a telev...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest genre film related additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time ...
Archie Comics were always among the most wholesome form of four-color entertainment. It was the red-headed kid next door getting into goofy and harmless trouble with his pals in the small town of Rive...
Horror is expanding as a genre. Although your local multiplex is peppered with the usual contenders, look a bit closer at the schedule and you’ll find the latest drama, thriller, or crime offer...
Noteworthy Heroines of Horror is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we shine the spotlight on a female character from the annals of horror history that has made a significant contribution to t...
Netflix Spotlight brings you Wicked Horror’s top picks for what to watch on Netflix, whether it’s the latest indie darling, a classic masterpiece or a silly slasher that deserves a little...
So with Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan announced as the writers who have been hard at work on a new Halloween, it looks like we’ll finally be getting a new entry in the franchise. As is alwa...
New on Netflix is a weekly feature appearing every Friday, listing all of the week’s newest genre film related additions to everyone’s favorite streaming service–and just in time ...