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Growing up with I Spit on Your Grave.

Trailer Released for Retrospective Doc Growing Up With I Spit on Your Grave

A documentary-retrospective revisiting the still controversial grindhouse classic I Spit on Your Grave is in the works. The doc features an excellent lineup, including Meir Zarchi, Camille K...

Tom Holland's Fright Night on Blu-ray.

Fright Night is Coming to Blu-ray…Again (Updated)

[soliloquy id=”10739″] [Updated with special features. Thanks to reader Frankie Smales for the tip.] Tom Holland’s Fright Night was granted a limited pressing Blu-ray relea...

The Loft poster

The Loft Debuts a Motion Poster and Trailer

In support of the upcoming release of the psychological horror film The Loft, we have a brand new trailer and a motion poster to share with you. The Loft will see release in the new year. It...

clive barker's the great and secret show

Five Clive Barker Stories That Need to be Made into Films!

Clive Barker is a powerhouse of imagination. He is the author of over twenty novels, he has directed three films and produced many more. From comic books to video games to action figures, he’s ...

Manuela Velasco as Angela Vidal and Paco Manzanedo as Guzman head up the cast in REC 4: Apocalypse.

Rec 4 Debuts a Green Band Trailer

Yesterday we brought you a red band trailer for Rec 4: Apocalypse. Today sees the introduction of a green band trailer. We have it available for you to check out after the jump. So head inside and tak...

Poster for George Miller's Mad Max: Fury Road.

A Teaser Trailer Debuts for Mad Max: Fury Road

[soliloquy id=”6484″] Warner Brothers has released a teaser trailer for their upcoming sci-fi sequel Mad Max: Fury Road. Head inside for a look at the newly released preview afte...

Check Out this New Red Band Trailer for Rec 4: Apocalypse

Magnet has released a red band trailer for the forthcoming Rec 4. We have it available for you to check out after the jump. So head inside and take a look for yourself! The new trailer ...

Eric England’s Roadside Finally Lands Distribution

As a champion of the film from the moment it was completed–that’s my quote on the poster to the left–I am thrilled to announce that the suspenseful thriller Roadside h...

ghostface killer with his killing tool from the successful franchise scream by wes craven.

New Ghostface Mask Revealed!

We Craven has unveiled a look at a new retail version of the Ghostface mask via his Twitter account. Created by Fun World and R.J. Torbert, the new Ghostface mask is green, has cracks throughout,...