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Top 10 Lists

Eight Horror Movies That Borrowed from Iconic Films

Nothing is ever entirely original. That’s not a bad thing and that doesn’t cheapen any of the content we watch and love. But storytelling has been around for thousands of years and most ...

Ash in Army of Darkness. Is Evil Dead 4 Still Happening?

Seven ‘Badass’ Horror Characters (Who Actually Aren’t)

There are certain character tropes that are prevalent in the horror genre. You have your final girls, you have your comic relief, stoners, and then you’ve got your badass alpha male heroes. Som...

Jurassic Park dilophosaurus

Eight Horrifying Jurassic Park Moments That Didn’t Make It Into the Movie

Jurassic Park is truly an adventure for the ages. One of Steven Spielberg’s most amazing and exciting films. After all these years, the film remains an iconic classic. The franchise continues e...

Castle Freak

Seven DTV Horror Movies Way Better Than They Should Have Been

It’s a pretty standard idea that straight to video is the bottom of the barrel for horror films. Of course, things are different now. In the VOD era, filmmakers would kill for a straight to vid...

Brat Pack Judd Nelson

7 Brat Pack-Headlined Thrillers You Might Have Missed

Andrew McCarthy’s recent documentary Brats has re-awakened interest in ’80s stars who were saddled with the Brat Pack handle. Only a few films really qualify as true Brat Pack cinema, how...

Who plays Jason Voorhees?

Jason Voorhees Has Been Played by These Actors [Men Behind the Mask]

Unlike his nemesis Freddy Krueger, Jason has never had much of a consistent portrayal on film. Sure, for awhile there it seemed things had changed. But now we’re back right where we started, wi...

Condemned By The Catholic Church

Ten Horror Films Condemned by the Catholic Church

Growing up as a Southern Baptist (i.e., the kind of Christian that shows up to church hungover and 20 minutes late every Sunday morning), pretty much everything I knew about Catholic customs was culle...

american mary

Seven of the Most Shockingly Unconventional Revenge Horrors

Revenge is a tricky proposition in horror cinema. It can take many different forms. Most common are supernatural slashers or rape/revenge features. Horror, being as wide and weird and fluid as it is, ...

the craft - Feminism in the craft

10 Important Life Lessons We Learned From ‘The Craft’

The Craft is an institution. Whether you were eight or eighteen when you first saw it, there was something about those four young women that made you stand up and take notice. We wanted to be them and...