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Please Stop Using the Term ‘Elevated Horror’

The term ‘elevated horror’ has been frequently used in the last ten years. It refers to horror films that are thought-provoking, have deep commentary, and push artistic/cinematic boundar...

Five More Horror Movies That Never Happened

Five More Horror Movies That Never Happened

There are plenty of ideas in Hollywood that never make it to the screen. Some get close. Some are already in production when the plug is pulled. Whether they be good or bad, a lot of movies just ...

Hellraiser: Judgment - Michael Myers vs Pinhead - Hellraiser - Clive Barker Adaptations

Why Clive Barker Has the Best Luck With Adaptations

Clive Barker is an extremely cinematic author, creating imaginative visual landscapes and unfolding worlds within worlds. You wouldn’t think that this would always lend itself to film as the ci...

Candyman 2020 poster

Say His Name Five Times; The Candyman Trailer Appears

We’ve been waiting what feels like forever and finally, finally the Candyman trailer is here in all its glory. At the risk of overselling it, this is the best horror trailer I’ve seen in a...

Candyman Clive Barker Horror Movies Based on Short Stories That Nailed the Adaptation Process

Seven Jump Scares That Have Never Lost Their Impact

Jump scares are incredibly hard to pull off, which is interesting, because they’re so often criticized as being used to for easy, cheap moments to get a reaction out of the audience. A jump sca...

Hellraiser Living Dead 3

Five Horror Sequels that are Better the Second Time

Everyone goes into certain movies with a set of expectations. This is especially true for horror sequels. The Friday the 13th series has some entries that are unjustly maligned simply because what peo...

Candyman Clive Barker Horror Movies Based on Short Stories That Nailed the Adaptation Process

Ten of the Best Films From The Mind of Clive Barker

Clive Barker is a powerhouse of imagination. He is an accomplished horror author with great works like The Books of Blood and The Hellbound Heart, as well as a great fantasy author...

Script to Pieces: Candyman Sequel that was also The Midnight Meat Train

Story Within a Story: Why the Structured Narrative of Candyman Works so Well

Candyman is, without a doubt, one of the best horror films of the 1990’s. This was a decade in which horror was constantly questioning and trying to redefine itself. What had worked in the 1980...

Script to Pieces: Candyman 4

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...