The Girl Next Door (2007) is based on the Jack Ketchum novel of the same name. The film takes inspiration from a series of terrifying real-life events. Gregory Wilson directed this jarring picture. Th...
If you are not familiar with the name Jack Ketchum, you definitely should be. A pseudonym for author Dallas Mayr, Jack Ketchum put his dark mark on horror fiction for over thirty years, with...
When horror makes an impact on the page, that impact is almost always translated to the screen. And if it doesn’t make it that far, there’s at least an attempt. Film adaptations of horro...
Print is dead. That’s what everyone says, at least. Hell, Egon Spengler said it way back in Ghostbusters in 1984. The paperback market has almost completely died out and everything has made the...
Splatterpunk was a term coined in the 1980’s by horror journalist and novelist David J. Schow. It is essentially defined as literary horror with graphically described scenes of gore, horror fic...
One trick that’s often used in horror movies is claiming that they’re based on real events that have happened. Here we list some of the real scary stories that have been turned into...