For decades, fans have been aware of a failed attempt to create an American version of the popular anime Sailor Moon. All that existed was a pilot, blending animation and live-action, created by a gro...
During its original publication run in the 1990s, there were several Goosebumps short story contests. The Goosebumps Wiki and archived news articles reported Braden Thomas Gardner of Lacona, Iowa...
With the successful release of the Fear Street trilogy on Netflix, I thought now would be a good time to discuss these three Fear Street titles that got lost to the ages. Maybe “lost”...
Fear Street Part 1: 1994 arrives heavy with expectation. A loose adaptation of the beloved R.L. Stine teen novel series of the same name – a more grown-up accompaniment to Goosebumps – t...
There’re plenty of Goosebumps stories that have fallen out of print. With each passing day, they grow more and more expensive online. It’s to the point where people charge hundreds of dol...
Goosebumps Rewind is a feature where we take a look back at the best (and worst) of the R.L. Stine-created youth fiction series. In the inaugural installment, we will be looking back on ‘Reveng...
Netflix Horror Spotlight brings you Wicked Horror’s top picks for what to watch on Netflix, whether it’s the latest indie darling, a classic masterpiece or a silly slasher that deserves ...
When Zach and his mother relocate to a small town, he initially misses city life. But things start to look up when he meets next door neighbor Hannah. When Zach opens a manuscript in Hannah’s ho...
After hearing the rumors of an upcoming film based on the Fear Street novels by R. L. Stine, we thought it might be fun to take a look at some of the author’s most memorable books and ...