Queen of the Damned is the most metal movie of all time. Correction, it’s the most nu-metal movie of all time, which might sound like an insult but, if you were a moody teenager in the early to...
Clive Barker is an extremely cinematic author, creating imaginative visual landscapes and unfolding worlds within worlds. You wouldn’t think that this would always lend itself to film as the ci...
“They don’t make ‘em like they used to.” We all know people who want everything to return to the glory days, everyone says that’s what horror needs to do to keep its...
Film is a rapidly changing medium. This isn’t surprising, really. It’s still relatively new. Something that’s been around for barely over a hundred years is going to find itself c...
Everyone has their favorite horror movies, so it’s only natural that people have their least favorites as well. Sometimes it might not even come down to that. Sometimes it’s just the fac...
The wait is finally over for Sonny Mallhi’s slasher film, Hurt. Originally premiering at Fantasia Fest in 2018, the film is now available in select theaters and VOD/digital platforms thanks to ...
A phobia is an extreme or irrational fear or aversion to something, real or imaginary and there are many common phobias such as germaphobia (fear of germs) or acrophobia (fear of heights). “Tho...
Conventional wisdom suggests the slasher genre has had its heyday, technically twice (once in the eighties and again in the late nineties/early 2000s), and is done, which is why we’re getting m...
Today is a very sad in the world of cinema, as we here at Wicked Horror, regret to announce the unfortunate passing of legendry director Richard Donner. Donner was the director of major Hollywood ...