Rob Zombie’s critically-acclaimed masterpiece The Devil’s Rejects is the far superior sequel to the equally gut-wrenching and terrifying House of 1000 Corpses. The Zombie-helmed...
Hit horror movie Jeepers Creepers captivated audiences with the simple story of a brother sister duo crossing paths with a bloodthirsty maniac called The Creeper. While it is a thrilling (some might s...
Is Child’s Play based on a true story? No. But that hasn’t stopped people from making a connection between the film and a notorious doll. A rumor that still seems to be making the rounds...
Is A Nightmare on Elm Street based on a true story? Yes, to an extent. But not entirely so. Read on as we separate fact from fiction and definitively speak to the real-life story that inspired A Night...
A couple of months ago, I was sifting through my physical DVD collection (yes, I know). I stumbled upon The Exorcism of Emily Rose. As a passionate fan of the original Exorcist, I always find myself d...
When avid outdoorsman Mike Williams goes missing during a duck hunting trip in December of 2000, an intensive search by local law enforcement yields little evidence to his whereabouts. Investigators u...
DREAD’s latest title, MY FIRST HORROR FILM, is available now on VOD and to celebrate the release we are bringing you a clip from the film titled “Willy and His Wonka”. My First Ho...
Henry Edward Bedard Jr was the quintessential all-American teenager. After spending his early years in Lynn, Massachusetts, Henry’s parents–Henry Sr and Gloria–moved their family to...
Torture is used to gain information or to instill fear or discipline. While medieval and ancient history methods may have been more brutal, these modern day tactics are absolutely terrifying. In no pa...