To mark the twentieth anniversary of Wes Craven’s game-changing slasher, Scream, Wicked Horror presents a week of specially-themed content celebrating the movie’s enduring appeal. In thi...
Award-winning director Irene Taylor Brodsky’s film, Beware the Slenderman made its world premiere at SXSW last March and it has now been dated for a 2017 release on prem...
On November 18, 1978, an American cult led by Jim Jones orchestrated a mass-suicide that claimed the lives of over 900 people, 287 of which were children murdered by their own parents. Once a peace an...
In 1979, cousins Kenneth Bianchi and Angelo Buono were arrested as the main suspects in the kidnapping, rape, torture, and murder of ten female victims whose ages ranged from twelve to twenty-eight ye...
Residents in South Carolina are fearing for their kids’ safety after reports of creepy clowns trying to entice children into the woods. The unusual reports started in the last week or...
Police walked into a shocking and gruesome scene at a home in Tequesta, Florida last week. Deputies found 19-year-old student, Austin Harrouff hovering over one of his victims, and biting the man...
While the name Albert Fish is synonymous with cannibalism, sexual fetishes, and his most famous victim Grace Bud, the rabbit hole goes much deeper. Although Fish is always included on lists of infamou...
Although humans, as a race, have been around for 200,000 years, most of the Earth is still shrouded in mystery. Our oceans have vast areas that are still untouched, there are miles of unexplored lands...
Monsters in our folklore typically stay within the confines of the tales in which they exist, but a lucky few manage to escape the world of myth and find new life as subjects ...