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Poster for Philippe Mora's The Beast Within.

Tom Holland Would Like to Remake ‘The Beast Within’

Writer/Director Tom Holland recently broke the news to Fangoria that he is interested in remaking the horror classic The Beast Within. The original film is directed by Philippe Mora and...

Poster for Olivier Beguin’s Chimeres.

Horror Film ‘Chimeres’ Will Make its VOD Premiere Next Week

[soliloquy id=”8041″] The Swiss horror film Chimeres made its world premier at the Neuchâtel International Fantastic Film Festival and will make its VOD debut on August...

‘Devil’s Deal’ Scheduled for an October Release

LionsGate Home Entertainment has announced that the wester-horror hybrid Devil’s Deal (originally known as The Merchant) will make its way to DVD, VOD, and Digital HD on October 1...


‘American Horror Story: Freakshow’ Announces a Premiere Date

[soliloquy id=”7829″] American Horror Story: Freakshow has confirmed a specific premiere date. The planned return for the much anticipated fourth season of the FX series has been set ...

Resident Evil: The Final Chapter, 2016 Release

[soliloquy id=”7611″] The long-running and successful Resident Evil will end its era. According to director Paul W.S. Anderson its upcoming sixth installment will conclude the franchise;&#...

The blu-ray cover artwork for Stuart Gordon's Dolls, which will see release from Scream Factory!

Stuart Gordon’s ‘Dolls’ is Coming to Blu-Ray

[soliloquy id=”4837″] Stuart Gordon’s modern fairly tale Dolls is headed for Blu-ray. Scream Factory will have the film available via their website November 11th. The pre-o...

Blu-ray artwork for The Legend of Hell House.

‘The Legend of Hell House’ is Headed for Blu-ray

[soliloquy id=”7306″] The genre film focused distributor Scream Factory will be bringing tried and true classic The Legend of Hell House to blu-ray. They have preserved the original t...

Poster art for Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein.

‘Young Frankenstein’ to receive 40th Anniversary Blu-ray Release

[soliloquy id=”7930″] Young Frankenstein will be receiving a blu-ray re-release in honor of the film’s 40th anniversary. 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment has the disc is set&...

An image promoting Bobby Roe's The House October Built.

Image Entertainment Acquires ‘The Houses October Built’

[soliloquy id=”7911″] Variety has exclusively reported that Image Entertainment has acquired the North American distribution rights to The Houses October Built. The distribu...