Stephen King recently took to social media to hint that It would begin shooting soon. Today, we have confirmation via 24 Hours Toronto that the production will be shooting up north...
Last month, we revealed that Zombieland star Jesse Eisenberg was down to do a sequel to the hit movie, along with his fellow cast-members, provided the script was good. Eisenberg was quoted at the tim...
Following in the ghostly footsteps of Paranormal Activity, it was announced at this year’s CinemaCon in Las Vegas that another burgeoning horror franchise may be looking to take the reigns and s...
Deadline is reporting that Jackie Earle Haley (Nightmare on Elm Street 2010) has joined the ever-expanding cast of the feature film adaptation of Stephen King’s The Dark Tower. Haley j...
Coming Soon was on hand at Cinema Con and while there, one of their eagle eyed reporters caught a glimpse of the title treatment for a previously unannounced fourth chapter in the Insidious ...
Fans who have been waiting years to see a film adaptation of Steve Alten’s giant shark tome, MEG, will be happy to learn that the film is steadily moving forward, and today we got the exciting n...
In a recent interview with Collider, Shane Black offered a couple of updates on what we can expect from his follow up to the 1987 film Predator. He didn’t deny that Arnold Schwarzenegger wo...
As you most likely know, a Children of the Corn sequel was recently shooting in and around Oklahoma City. However, there really hasn’t been any photographic evidence of that until...
A lot of buzz has been surrounding the production of Jeepers Creepers 3. A Canadian casting agency actually pulled down a casting notice after concern about director Victor Salva’s past aro...