Evil Bong High-5 is the fifth proper installment in the Evil Bong franchise, from Full Moon Features, the creators of the Puppermaster and Gingerdead Man series. It follows in the wake of su...
Back in 2004, a little British zombie flick, with an on-the-nose title, called Shaun Of The Dead bludgeoned its way into our collective hearts while simultaneously, and somewhat unknowingly, kick-star...
Who doesn’t enjoy an action-packed horror comedy with vampire, blood, gore and slackers? Bloodsucking Bastards is a brand new horror comedy taking place in a office building. The film focus...
Sometimes sequels shouldn’t be made, and unfortunately for A Haunted House, directed by Michael Tiddes and written by Marlon Wayans and Rick Alvarez, this was the case. I actually quite enjoyed ...
Written by Marlon Wayans and directed by Michael Tiddes, A Haunted House is crass, unapologetic and has no boundaries with its aggressive and crude nature. A Haunted House opens as Malcolm (Marlo...
Even those who tend to shy away from horror movies can usually handle the ones with a good sense of humor. There is long history of B-movie horror pictures that are known for their campy laughs as muc...