Pieces follows the murderous exploits of a psychopath on a college campus in Boston Massachusetts. The killer stalks and kills coeds in a quest to collect their body parts for his human jigsaw pu...
In 1985, a band of Colombian missionaries agrees to allow renowned war photographer Avery Taggert (Zoë Bell) to travel with them. Although many bands of missionaries dislike journalists, this gro...
In honor of Black History Month, I decided to revisit one of my favorite Blaxploitation horrors, J.D.’s Revenge. Truth be told, I haven’t watched a ton of Blaxploitation films, b...
The Paranormal Activity franchise should not be allowed to get away with this. Oren Peli’s premise for the original Paranormal Activity was very simple: It focused on the story of a couple ...
Given that it’s directed by Candyman helmer Bernard Rose, I expected Frankenstein to be good. But I was actually pleasantly surprised by how good it is, considering that I was initially th...
Back in 2004, a little British zombie flick, with an on-the-nose title, called Shaun Of The Dead bludgeoned its way into our collective hearts while simultaneously, and somewhat unknowingly, kick-star...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick: Fred Olen Ray’s Dire Wolf. Dire Wolf is a fairly basic story. Sci...
Turbo Kid is a violent, post-apocalyptic, BMX love story with an outcast orphan child taking center stage. It is a throwback to the awesomely bad grindhouse epics of the 1980s. It&...
You would not think that President’s Day would really lend itself to horror movies. Of course, you wouldn’t think Valentine’s Day would either, yet we have classics like My Bloody...