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Comic Review: The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen #2

The Howling: Revenge of the Werewolf Queen continues to be the follow-up that fans have wanted to see for decades. As much as the film is hailed as a modern classic, it spawned a franchise that never ...

Zombie-In-Chief by Scott Kenemore book cover

Book Review – Zombie-In-Chief: Eater of the Free World by Scott Kenemore

We all need a reason to laugh these days. And if you’re on one particular side of the political spectrum with regards to our current president, then I have the perfect book recommendation f...

The Terror of Hallow's Eve

Advance Review: The Terror of Hallow’s Eve

When I saw the trailer for The Terror of Hallow’s Eve, I knew I was in for a treat. The characters in the film, however, only get the tricks. The Terror is a hilariously relatable Hal...

Frightfest 2017 Review: Victor Crowley

It was the best kept secret since Blair Witch (a new trend in horror? Let’s hope so) as fan-favourite filmmaker Adam Green, at what attendees were told was a special, tenth anniversary screening...

Leatherface is the Least Compelling Character in His Own Movie [FrightFest Review]

The death of the inimitable Tobe Hooper, creator of The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, has cast a considerable shadow over Leatherface, the unasked-for origin story of his greatest creation from French dir...

Cult of Chucky

Frightfest 2017 Review: Cult Of Chucky

Five years ago, the idea of a brand-new Chucky film coming along to reinvigorate the assumed-dead franchise would’ve been inconceivable. But 2013’s lively, and impressively dark, Curse Of ...

Review: The Dark North Is A Nordic Gem Featuring A Stunning Mixture Of Strange And Beautiful Work From A Variety Of Scandinavian Artists And Illustrators

Originally crowdfunded through Kickstarter in 2016, The Dark North, is a beautifully sinister anthology containing breathtaking work from five of Scandinavia’s best artists. The Dark North prese...

Ash vs. Evil Dead

Blu-ray Review: Ash vs. Evil Dead Season Two

Ash vs. Evil Dead is a show that I don’t think any fan of the franchise actually thought they would live to see. Bruce Campbell would never shy away from trying to let fans down easy at convent...

Back to the ’80s: Hell Night

Welcome to Back to the ’80s. This recurring feature aims to take a look at the good, the bad, and the ugly from horror’s most beloved decade. Regardless of which category a particul...