The Witcher Volume 3: Curse of Crows includes issues 1-5 of the series, and centers around father and daughter team Geralt and Ciri as they make their way to answer a contract and take care of a strig...
The Predators of the beloved comic and movie franchise are back in the thrilling new series Predator Hunters, from Dark Horse Comics. The series revolves around a team of humans who are tired of Preda...
The latest hardcover Buffy: The High School Years graphic novel hits stores soon and I’m happy to say that it very much feels like an early episode of the show. These books are all set during t...
Twin Peaks is back. There has never been a show before or since quite like David Lynch’s foray into television. Co-created with Mark Frost in 1990, Twin Peaks hit a nerve with audiences and gav...
Joe Golem: Occult Detective The Outer Dark #1 takes place two years after the events of Joe Golem and the Drowning City, in which Joe saved the Drowning City from an undead takeover and defeated a chi...
This season of the Angel comic has settled into a Doctor Who routine of Angel and a companion going on adventures through space and time. But the reason for this is something that feels like an organi...
Unacknowledged is a documentary produced and written primarily by Dr. Steven M. Greer, the founder of The Disclosure Project, an organization whose main goal is to disclose information about UFOs, ali...
In this issue, the season does the unthinkable by finally getting out of the Safe Zone—but in typical Buffy fashion, it doesn’t come without a huge cost. Be warned, there’s no way...
Ridley Scott’s latest foray into the universe belonging to Synthetic Beings and Xenomorphs is an intense and compelling horror ride. If you were not a big fan of Alien: Covenant’s predec...