The Survivalist revolves around an unnamed male figure, simply referred to as the survivalist, and his existence in an uncivilized, post-apocalyptic world. The survivalist spends his time making it fr...
Alien: Covenant is deliberately titled, as its predecessor Prometheus was, to alert us to the supposedly deep ideas contained within. A chilly, pretentious, dangerously snooze-inducing prologue ...
Psycho Pass is a Japanese manga series that takes place in the next century of human existence. In this new imagination of our future, humans are guaranteed a society without crime, at the cost of bei...
Harrow County is a horror-drama comic book series that revolves around a small southern town and its residents, who are plagued by supernatural forces. This new volume, Abandoned, focuses on...
Reading this collection was a blast from the past. I collected every Aliens and Predator comic I could get my hands on as a kid. This 30th anniversary book collects some of the very first Predator sto...
Sleep paralysis is a hot topic right now. Understandable, considering it’s the ideal breeding ground for horror movies aside from being completely terrifying. Following on from deadeningly dull ...
First, before I say anything, hats off to Dark Horse Comics for putting so many women together on a project like Spell on Wheels. Kate Leth, Jen Bartel, and Ming Doyle are powerhouses who I already lo...
Son of Hercules vs. the Psychedelic Dracula revolves around the town of Detroit, MI which is caught between the victorious hero, the Son of Hercules, and the sinister Psychedelic Dracula. After two st...
Rings follows Julia (Matilda Lutz) on her search to locate her missing boyfriend, Holt (Alex Roe of The Fifth Wave). What Julia discovers in her quest is that Holt was part of a group of col...