Coming off the successful run of their Billboard charting debut, Satan’s favorite hip-hop trio, Alla Xul Elu are back. Recently released, Church of Xul is a seven track ride through the deprave...
Terror in the Skies is a Cryptid (an animal that may or may not exist, like Big foot, Chupacabra, etc) documentary that revolves around accounts of gigantic flying creatures in Illinois...
Funny Games is structured around a series of escalating, violent games. On the way to their lake home, Anna (Susanne Lothar) and Georg (Ulrich Mühe) try to guess the opera song the other plays on...
Welcome to Blood on my Sofa! Each month I will be providing you with a movie recommendation. It won’t be just any movie, but a film I watched during the previous month that really rocked my worl...
Us tells the story of The Wilson’s, an American family whose peaceful existence is shattered when they are introduced to identical shadow versions of themselves. The doppelgängers wrea...
She Could Fly: The Lost Pilot #3 takes the reader and Luna into new territory: a first date. What started shakily last issue has developed into a fledgling relationship. Luna has a boyfriend. She and ...
At a sleepover in fifth grade, my friends and I goaded each other to go into the bathroom at midnight, close the door, and spin three times chanting, “Bloody Mary.” If the urban legend w...
Mother’s Day (1980) follows Abbey, Trina, and Jackie, who were roommates and best friends in college, as they embark on their annual weekend getaway. Each year, one of the girlfriends plans a s...
Beasts of Burden: The Presence of Others #2 opens with the monster. It’s not clear what the monster is exactly, but it’s clearly terrifying. It seems as though it’s some kind of s...