Mother’s Day (1980) follows Abbey, Trina, and Jackie, who were roommates and best friends in college, as they embark on their annual weekend getaway. Each year, one of the girlfriends plans a s...
Beasts of Burden: The Presence of Others #2 opens with the monster. It’s not clear what the monster is exactly, but it’s clearly terrifying. It seems as though it’s some kind of s...
In 1965, Irwin Allen created one of the most beloved science fiction television shows with Lost in Space. The idea was a new take on Johann David Wyss’ Swiss Family Robinson. A remake film adap...
The Haunting of Sharon Tate very loosely reimagines the Manson Family murders that took place at 10050 Cielo Drive. The film focuses on Sharon Tate’s nightmares and the question of whe...
To an outsider looking in, Alice seems to have it all: She’s beautiful, has a fancy apartment, a booming career and a loving boyfriend. The catch? He’s married to someone else. Between att...
Calling all Stranger Things fans! Have a conspiracy theory about the origins of Project MKUltra? Curious about all the strangeness that went on before Eleven’s stay at Dr. Brenner’s Hawki...
MA, pronounced like “Maw” everywhere except Ireland where we say “Maaaah,” is the latest Blumhouse effort looking to scare easily pleased multiplex audiences out of their seats...
There’s a scene very early on in Felipe M. Guerra’s Deodato Holocaust in which the cult favorite director behind movies like House on the Edge of the Park and Live Like a Cop, Die Like a...
The title of #LIKE is slightly misleading, not because the movie doesn’t revolve around Internet usage (it does, at least at first), but because it suggests this is an Unfriended-style scare-fes...