The Alien franchise makes up one of the most widely known and highly recognizable horror franchises in recent history, but there are far more alien films in the vast expanse of the horror genre. Our c...
Who could have guessed Earth’s requiem would be so metal? Jerry Frissen and Peter Snejbjerg’s World War X, Helius explores the intergalactic peril of mishandling intricately-scribe...
The Internet has been ablaze since Neil Blomkamp dropped some of his concept art for a new proposed Alien film. One thing led to another and the project has continued to gain steam, cu...
Alien 3 is a movie that gets a lot of hate. Even now, after twenty years, most people do not consider it good. Director David Fincher has gone onto stardom and numerous Academy Award nominations. He&#...
Welcome to Cult Corner where we dive through the bargain bins to determine if a movie is trash or treasure. Today’s pick… Paul Matthews’ Breeders. Breeders begins with some of the wo...
Sure, aliens pretty much hold a corner on the market in the science fiction genre, but they have also been a mainstay of the horror genre since its inception. Of course, the biggest surge in movies ab...
There are many horror films in the genre’s long history that are now lauded as classics. But they weren’t always. Some movies that are beloved now were critical disasters when they w...
If you are an Alien fan and want to make a statement while walking your four legged friend, we have just the thing for you. This Alien facehugger dog leash will turn heads whe...
For horror films, the soundtrack can turn a movie from slightly scary to god damn creepy. Many horror movies have done an excellent job at producing scores and soundtracks that are meant to scare the ...