Harrow County 13 launches a new story arc within the Eisner nominated horror series’ bizarre universe. Emmy has believed throughout the series that she is the only one of her kind because n...
Death Follows is another winner by writer Cullen Bunn, one of the creative minds behind the wildly successful Harrow County series. The story begins in similar fashion, featuring a young girl nam...
MTV’s Scream adaptation is due to return May 30th. The last season felt to some horror fans like a mesh between the existing Scream franchise and Pretty Little Liars from ABC Family/Freeform. T...
MTV’s Scream: The Series was renewed for a second season almost immediately after its premiere, due to strong viewer response. Fans of the show won’t have to wait long for the de...
Imagine a world where the rights of all women have been completely stripped away. Women are reduced to one of few roles, all centered around fertility and becoming subservient to men. Well, white uppe...
Penny Dreadful season 3 is sure to be a firecracker! The show’s second season was wrought with drama, death, and loss. The final episode left many viewers clamoring for more, demanding...
Historically, witches have been considered the outcasts of gender normality in society. These are women that seek independence from the stereotypes considered ideal for the female gender. The preconce...
Penny Dreadful is an example of horror television done exceptionally well. The much-anticipated third season will premiere Sunday, May 1 at 10pm ET/PT on SHOWTIME, on demand, and online. Based on the ...
The world is in chaos. A virus has devastated the population so much so that the infected now grossly outnumber the uninfected. Humanity, ever persistent, still struggles on in small pockets. We’...