i-Lived is a mystery-thriller that was written and directed by Franck Khalfoun, who helmed the Maniac remake and the upcoming Amityville: The Awakening. The film is about a young t...
In The House With 100 Eyes, Ed and Susan, a husband and wife duo with a penchant for torture and murder set out on a one night killing spree with the intent of making a ‘triple fe...
Found footage movies keep on coming. They seem to be finally dying down, perhaps, but it’s a small dent in the boom that has persisted over the past several years. Everyone blames Paranorm...
[soliloquy id=”23084″] In a time where the found footage genre is seeming to wear thin for even its most staunch supporters, new films like these simply have to do something different from...
Wicked Horror ran a review of Unfriended on opening weekend (original review) and rated the film fairly negatively. But back with a second opinion is Joey Keogh, who will mak...
Infernal has strong aspirations from the beginning. Reading the synopsis, I honestly hoped for a thoroughly enjoyable horror flick. The movie tried to utilize a variety of elements from previousl...
Oren Peli‘s long delayed science fiction thriller Area 51 is finally getting a release. The project first began lensing in 2009. In the time since, there have been a series o...
In this monthly series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,&n...
The Nightlight Movie is the recently released, first person perspective feature film by the writing and directing team behind Bluebox Limited, Bryan Woods and Scott Beck. Although the two have be...