The Oklahoma Movie Makers Facebook Page has revealed a wealth of information about the upcoming Hellraiser sequel, including a detailed casting breakdown that includes a description of virtu...
According to ScareTissue, a new Hellraiser film is being developed at Dimension. It is likely going under a working title, so as to keep a low profile. Head past the break to find out w...
There are ample TV series on the air now that are based on or influenced by horror movies. At the same time, in theaters, we have everyone racing to turn whatever franchise they can get...
Adam Green and Joe Lynch had Patrick Lussier on The Movie Crypt as a guest and the writer/director offered some interesting insight into what might have become of the Hellraiser re...
Though there’s no shortage of Halloween-themed movies to watch during this most glorious season, I’ve always looked at Halloween as a chance to catch up on some of my absolute favorites. T...
This weekend I got the chance to check out the second annual Connecticut HorrorFest at the Matrix Conference Center in Danbury, CT. Put on by Horror News Network, I had heard good things about last ye...
Today is the release of The Scarlet Gospels, something that should excite most horror fans. This is it. This is the final Hellraiser story and it has been delivered full circle by original creator Cli...
Horror and collectibles have a long tradition together. Ever since monsters took to the screen, young and old fans alike have wanted to see them immortalized in miniature form. One of the most famous ...
When a title becomes embraced by a wide audience, when it becomes a franchise and people begin to get attached to it, it expands in ways the creators never imagined. It’s more obvious with thin...