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horror films

‘The Exorcism’ Works Because of Russell Crowe [Review]

When the poster for The Exorcism first dropped, a certain sect of horror fans was positively gleeful about the fact that Russell Crowe had ostensibly made the same movie twice, in quick succession. Ho...

Castle Freak

Seven DTV Horror Movies Way Better Than They Should Have Been

It’s a pretty standard idea that straight to video is the bottom of the barrel for horror films. Of course, things are different now. In the VOD era, filmmakers would kill for a straight to vid...

Did High Tension Ape Intensity?

The Intensity of High Tension: A Look at Plagiarism in Horror

In a time of remakes, reboots, re-imaginings and so forth, the genre fan has a narrowed selection in terms of originality. This debatable lack of creativity divides audiences on a regular basis. Wheth...

Who plays Jason Voorhees?

Jason Voorhees Has Been Played by These Actors [Men Behind the Mask]

Unlike his nemesis Freddy Krueger, Jason has never had much of a consistent portrayal on film. Sure, for awhile there it seemed things had changed. But now we’re back right where we started, wi...

Project: Metalbeast

Why ‘Project: Metalbeast’ is Top-Notch Schlock (And Should be Remembered)

Most people reading this have probably never heard of Project: Metalbeast. That’s not a criticism of the horror community. There are so many forgotten gems. And plenty of people who have seen t...

Real-life crimes blamed on movies

These Seven Movies Were Blamed for Real-Life Crimes

Horror movies are frequently blamed for any number of things. People say that something has to be wrong with somebody who watches horror. The movies are even blamed for violence in general. If violent...

Bigger is Better: Old-School Giant Monster Flicks That Still Hold Up Remarkably Well

With Kaiju experincing a cinematic resurgance, people are falling in love with ferocious, roaring, giant monsters all over again. Because of that, I thought it would be interesting to go back and look...

‘Arcadian’ Boasts Terrifying Monsters of Our Own Making [Review]

The question of whether we’ve engineered our own demise by treating the planet like garbage hangs low over Arcadian, the sprightly and fitfully frightening new movie from director Benjamin Brew...

Spider Baby - Grindhouse films that need to be rediscovered

Eight Grindhouse Movies That Need To Be Rediscovered

There is a prevalent fascination with grindhouse cinema that persists even though most casual horror fans didn’t know what it was twenty years ago. This whole style had been long-forgotten, dug...