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Alien - Rebecca Ferguson - Alien 5 - Alien Identity

Six Horror Movies That Don’t Start Out as Horror Movies

It’s pretty traditional for horror movies to just be horror movies from the start. It’s what’s expected. Nobody would go into a horror movie expecting it to be something else. Tra...

Sympathy for the Devil Will Make You Carsick [Review]

Even a bad Nic Cage movie is still a good Nic Cage movie. Such is the case with Sympathy for the Devil, a completely useless, plodding non-entity of a film masquerading as a thriller in which the prem...


Seven Horror Movies Where Terror Unfolds in Broad Daylight

Who says a good horror flick requires darkness? There is undoubtedly a distinctive quality to nighttime in movies, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. This list consists of seven horror g...

Quicksand is a Ruthlessly Efficient Single-Location Thriller [Review]

When we were kids, quicksand seemed like an actual problem we’d have to contend with as adults and, in a way, it’s kind of disappointing that it isn’t. The quicksand featured in Q...

10 Years Later, ‘Hatchet 3’ Remains One of the Most Entertaining Horror Threequels

For Hatchet 3, series creator Adam Green handed the directing reins over to his camera operator from the previous two movies, BJ McDonnell, while retaining the sole screenwriting credit. It was a smar...

‘Brooklyn 45’ is Strongest in Its Quietest Moments [Review]

Sometimes, all you need for a film to work is to put a group of great actors in a room together and let them do their thing. Such is the case with Brooklyn 45, the latest feature from writer-director ...

Killer Kites is So Much Better Than It Has Any Right to Be [Review]

With a title like Killer Kites, you know exactly what you’re in for–especially if you’ve seen the delightfully unhinged trailer. This is the kind of wacky, no-holds-barred, zero-b...

Return of the Living Dead

‘80s Horror Comedies That Defined the Decade

The 1980s, among many other distinctions, was the golden age of horror comedies. There had been great films combining horror and humor dating back at least to Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein a...

Corpses, Lords, and Rob Zombie’s Incredible 10-Year Growth as a Filmmaker

House of 1000 Corpses and The Lords of Salem were released in the same month ten years apart. They couldn’t be more different in theme, execution, look, and tone, with Corpses imbued with a bra...