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jamie lee curtis


Every Easter Egg and Reference in the Halloween Trailer Broken Down

Fans are still riding the high of that Halloween trailer. It’s a stunning look at a movie that, for people who love horror, feels like an event. Halloween is an anniversary driven franchise abo...

Slick in Prom Night

Prom Night (1980) is an Average Revenge-Soaked Slasher [Retrospective]

The accidental death of a young girl is so haunting to the killer in Prom Night (1980), that six years after the event, he strikes out and seeks vigilante justice against the group of friends involved...

Halloween Most outrageous deaths in the Halloween franchise - Halloween Returns

Behold, The Halloween Poster Is Here In All Its Glory

How strange is it to be excited for a Halloween movie in the year of our lord 2018? And yet, the upcoming reboot/sequel from Universal is one of the most anticipated movies of the year — a year ...

Rejoice! Jamie Lee Curtis Returning To Halloween!

Those still nervous about the upcoming Halloween reboot can rest somewhat easier today. Not only is series creator John Carpenter on board as an executive producer, but one, very important cast member...

The Fog 1980

The Fog is an Impressive and Under-Appreciated Ghost Story!

John Carpenter found incredible success with Halloween, but it was not a success right away. He moved on to the next project believing that the film had been a flop. The early reviews and the early ti...

Laurie Strode in Halloween

I Thought You Outgrew Superstition: Why Laurie Strode is a Cross-Generational Heroine

Laurie Strode in the original Halloween is often referred to as the quintessential final girl. The problem is that she’s not always referred to as such in the most positive context. For some, e...

Is It Just Me, Or Is Scream Queens The Best Thing Ryan Murphy Has Ever Done?

In this regular series, a Wicked Horror writer presents an unpopular opinion about a particular genre offering and asks the oft-repeated question, “Is it just me?” In this installment,&#...

Two New Clips From Scream Queens Remind Us Why We Love To Hate The Chanels

We’re so close to Scream Queens season two that we can practically smell the blood. Or, rather, the Chanel No. 5. The first season of Ryan Murphy’s wickedly deviant little horror-comedy sh...

Check Out These Awesome Character Shots From Scream Queens Season 2!

We are just five days away from the premiere of season two of Ryan Murphy’s wicked horror-comedy slasher Scream Queens and anticipation is high. Following the news, earlier this week, that Kirs...