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jamie lee curtis

Synapse to Release Prom Night on Blu-Ray in September

Genre film distributor Synapse is really hitting it out of the park with their current catalogue of re-releases. They recently brought the Canadian cult classic Curtains to blu-ray and now t...

Unlikely Horror Heroes that Saved the Day

[soliloquy id=”4937″] Horror films sometimes seem like they are taking place in an alternate reality where the rules of real life and logic don’t apply. The biggest and strongest ch...

Friday the 13th Jason - Scary Masks in Horror

Top Scary Masks Of Horror Cinema

Any good horror movie villain needs a mask, right? A good mask can transform someone from “strange” to “scary”, as hiding someone’s face creates extra tension and fear. ...

Poster for Richard Franklin's Road Games.

Road Games Retrospective – A Hitchcockian Suspense Thriller

[soliloquy id=”4757″] Quid is a long haul truck driver working in the Southern Hemisphere. To stay alert and keep his brain active, he plays road games with himself while he is traveling. ...

Jamie Lee Curtis in John Carpenter's Halloween.

Most Memorable Final Girls of Horror

One of the most important components in the successful execution of a slasher film is the inclusion of a likable, capable, and memorable final girl. The final girl (or survivor girl) is the character ...

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