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10 Horror Themed Bands You Should Be Listening to

As a fan of horror entertainment, I attempt to digest all I can, in as many forms as I can. Movies, cartoons, comic books, etc. But I feel that horror fans sometimes forget a very important facet of h...


“Awful” ’80s Horror Movies That Are Anything But

For some reason, the ‘80s is more known for cheesy movies than any other decade. Every era has them, but the ‘80s always gets singled out. It’s tough to say why that is. If I...

Nine Horror Franchises Driven by Outstanding Female Villains

Horror movie villains are traditionally male. While there are slashers where the killer turns out to be female at the end, they’re not entirely common. Even more uncommon, though, is to see fem...

Generations of Gore: Seven Movies Clearly Influenced by Fulci

Lucio Fulci left a lasting mark on fans and filmmakers alike. People are still talking about his work to this day. Movies like The Beyond and Zombie continue to see newly restored Blu-ray releases. Di...

The Mangler - Stephen King adaptations that didn't work..

Beyond Freddy: Ten Great Robert Englund Performances You Might Have Missed

Robert Englund will always be best known as Freddy Krueger. There’s really no way around that. He helped to create one of the most original, most iconic villains in cinema history. But outside ...

Nat Brehmer’s Top 10 Horror Movies of 2022

This has been the hardest year for coming up with a top 10 list that I can remember, and it’s definitely not because I struggled to find favorites. We have seen some greats in recent years, but...

horror sequels nobody asked for

Horror Sequels Nobody Asked For

Horror sequels are everywhere. They always have been. While every other filmmaking trend comes and goes, the sequel always survives. If a film is even modestly successful, a follow-up effort becomes s...

Fright Night

Eight Franchises That Could Have Been Great

The Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Halloween franchises all have their flawed entries. But their problems are nothing compared to some of the series we’ll be looking at...

Misery - Most Innovative Motives

Eight of the Most Inventive Motives in Horror Movies

A good motive can make or break a horror movie. If you can’t understand where the villain is coming from, sometimes it can make them scarier. But more often than not, it only makes them un...