Buffy the Vampire Slayer was a revolutionary show for a lot of reasons. The series quickly developed a cult following, as did series creator Joss Whedon – who has recently achieved profound...
Salem’s Lot is one of Stephen King’s simplest novels in terms of the actual plot: a small Maine town is invaded by vampires. That’s the basic crux of the entire story. Yet, it...
Joel Schumacher’s The Lost Boys tends to get the credit for the rejuvenation of vampire movies in the late 1980’s. It’s a little strange, on one hand, considering that Lost Boys f...
Eighteen years after the series premiered, we’re still talking about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. More than that, we’re talking about it as if it went off the air only yesterday. The s...
This is an extremely tough question for me to consider. Vampires came out at a time when I was only dimly aware of who John Carpenter was. It was the film that cemented him as a presence in my young m...
Welcome to Script to Pieces! This is a feature here at Wicked Horror where we will be looking at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Somet...
Original Lost Boys actor Corey Feldman made it known this past week that he does not think that franchise would benefit from an all-female reboot in the tradition of this week’s much talked abo...
Legendary vampire fighter, and leather aficionado, Blade’s story seemed to have come to a rather abrupt, and unsatisfying, end with 2004’s universally-panned Blade: Trinity. The flick, the...
Yesterday marked the fortieth anniversary of Anne Rice’s hit horror novel Interview With The Vampire, the popular film adaptation of which turned twenty just a couple of years ago itself. A...