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Rocky Horror

Eight Gothic Horror Movies That Broke from Tradition

Gothic horror has a longstanding tradition of being moody, melodramatic and—on film, at least—visually driven from its production design down to its costuming. When the silent era a...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

We can all immediately bring to mind the classic horror movie scores, from John Carpenter’s score for Halloween, to Goblin’s Suspiria, to Philip Glass’s hauntingly beautiful music...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

Script to Pieces: Waxwork III

Welcome to Script to Pieces, a recurring feature at Wicked Horror where we look at the best, most interesting and at times most unbelievable horror movies that never happened. Sometimes...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

Waxwork Remake May be in the Cards for Directors of Lost After Dark!

The directors of Lost After Dark (review) dropped a major bombshell in a recent interview with Nerd Report. The duo revealed that they are currently developing a remake of the frequentl...

Waxwork - Seven Movies With Unexpectedly Great Scores

“More Fun Than a Barrel of Mummies”: Looking Back at Waxwork

Directed by Anthony Hickox, Waxwork is not a remake of the Vincent Price House of Wax film, but an imaginative and slightly campy tale about a wax museum in which stepping into a particular exhibit (a...