I Am A Hero Omnibus Volume 4 is a horror manga that revolves around Hideo Suzuki, a 35-year-old manga artist. Hideo’s life is unfulfilling, he has no future job prospects (he is stuck with a low...
George A. Romero’s Night of the Living Dead was an absolutely revolutionary horror picture. It was made for no money but you wouldn’t know that by looking at it. And people latched onto i...
Who doesn’t love zombies nowadays? Visions of a zombie apocalypse and the walking dead are everywhere. Catch them on television, in games, theme parks, books, toy stores; you name it, they ...
Made by military veterans, for military veterans, Range 15 is a zombie movie experience unlike any other. The film begins with a newly-retired soldier named Mat Best (playing himself) who finds himsel...
The world is in chaos. A virus has devastated the population so much so that the infected now grossly outnumber the uninfected. Humanity, ever persistent, still struggles on in small pockets. We’...
In Re-Kill, it’s been five years since the zombie apocalypse wiped out most of the world’s population. Now the remaining re-animates, or “re-ans,” are kept under control by a s...
I had to think for a while before I wrote this review. While Battle Apocalypse (aka Chrysalis) bills itself as another entry in the zombie sub-genre, it really doesn’t p...
Noteworthy Heroines of Horror is a recurring segment on Wicked Horror where we shine the spotlight on a female character from the annals of horror history that has made a significant contribution to t...
[soliloquy id=”18443″] Wyrmwood is a movie about the zombie apocalypse (as many movies are these days). It follows two main plot threads. First off, we have Barry (Jay Gallagher) who teams...